
Welcome to the Contrafabulists podcast, Kin Lane and Audrey Watters' weekly discussion of the latest technology (and politics of technology) news.

In this episode, we talk about Audrey's decision to block annotations from her websites.

Here are the stories we referenced:

Here is the first stanza of a poem that we did not reference:

"Marginalia" by Billy Collins

Sometimes the notes are ferocious,

skirmishes against the author

raging along the borders of every page

in tiny black script.

If I could just get my hands on you,

Kierkegaard, or Conor Cruise O'Brien,

they seem to say,

I would bolt the door and beat some logic into your head.

Feedback is welcome. (You should email Kin with it though, not Audrey.)



The Contrafabulists Podcast

Welcome to the Contrafabulists podcast, Kin Lane and Audrey Watters weekly dissection of the latest technology myth-making.

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